Wednesday, June 25, 2014

More Than Just a Water Bottle

I’m new to a lot of things but not new to writing. I’ve written one blog or another about one thing or another since before it was called blogging. Sometimes I have things to say that hit home with many. Other times, at the end of the blog, I realize it was spoken from my BFF Jesus’ heart for only me… but to share with others as “icing.” And who doesn’t like icing? (Actually, I know someone that doesn’t like icing but prefers only naked confetti cake…but I digress).
I recently decided, after chatting with friends and a little bit of Nancy Drew action, aka…googling like a Mad Woman, that I was going to give Plexus a go. I have had a few friends that have had great success with the product and been approached by a few others to become an Ambassador. I do love that the name alone has a little flair to it; compared to “Representative” or “Independent Consultant” and I won’t lie by pretending that their levels being precious stones wasn’t also appealing. Reaching level of Diamond being the pinnacle of their organization. But, again… I’m practicing my A.D.O.S; a condition my husband so appropriately diagnosed me with years ago. Attention Deficit…. OH SHINY! I get animated about one topic but then get easily distracted by another bauble or thought that wanders into the room. 
I have never been a “seller.” Sure, I have signed up for the occasional MLM in my day and even did quite well in one or two, but I was never one to push products on people. I tend to favor being part of a company and taking products I believe in enough, to have others ask me about opportunities and then just share what I love and why.
I made my first opportunity to “name drop” Plexus today and, let’s just say if I hadn’t already done my due diligence and severe creeping of the internet, I may have had second thoughts on my decision to give Plexus a go. No, I’m not fickle by nature but “Curvy Kim” was so convicted about her opinion that I wanted to sit and stay a while. But, as so often is the case with those of us afflicted by A.D.O.S., I’m getting ahead of myself a little bit. Let me start at the beginning of this “name dropping” scenario…again. 
I went the bank today in the midst of my errands. It wasn’t my usual bank location so I recognized absolutely no one. When I was called to a window, things seemed usual enough; pleasantries and facts then the awkward minutes in between our transaction beginning and end. To break the silence I decided, instead to comment on her water bottle sitting beside her Tupperware container of fruit; a telltale sign of some form of weight loss in progress. I said: “I love your water bottle. Where did you get it?” It was just a standard bottle purchased across the street at the Wal-Mart but I still went forward with my plan to introduce Plexus into the short conversation. “Oh… well, I love it and I think it is just the container I need. My friend and I are going to start selling Plexus and I need something that I can keep my daily pink drink in.” She needed no further conversation to offer her opinion. It was almost like she had it planned out, just waiting for someone like me to utter the “P” word in her presence.  
I learned that “Curvy Kim” was on the pink drink for just three days. She said her insides were twisted and she didn’t feel well. Knowing what had to be the culprit, she went to the doctor for her Web MD confirmation. Whether it was the ingredients or the method in which she took them, no one will know but she simply went on and on and began her infomercial on several pills that sat beside her water bottle that I had somehow missed. “Curvy Kim” proceeded to tell me of her own research via YouTube. She said “Women our age can’t lose weight like those 20somethings and I had to really look for some success in someone closer to 50. I think I found it in this woman.” Firstly…I didn’t like that she said “Women our age….” Could we really be the same age? She looked quite a bit different than I imagined myself looking in the mirror today but, who am I kidding, my next birthday puts me closer to 50 than 40; turning 46 in another month.  And secondly…I like to think that my research was a little more balanced and knowledge seeking than cruising YouTube for the “next great fix.” But, maybe we aren’t as different as I would like to think.   
She went on about the two different colored pills she was taking and rambled about four kids and a cruise holiday just a few weeks away.  As if it had just occurred to her in the middle of a chat with a friend, she said “Oh my… I take these pills twice a day and I should have taken them already.” In front of me, she reached over for one set of the pills and proceeded to take them. I almost thought she was going to offer me the others along with a drink from her container but she simply put it back to the side and went back to her “regularly scheduled programming” of her fifteen minute infomercial. She told me the names of the pills and where to get them. She even told me how much they were at…you guessed it; Wal-Mart. But it didn’t end there. She walked to the file cabinet just behind her, reached into the bottom drawer for her purse and SHOWED me the bottle she had taken these pills from just this morning as if to prove she was telling the truth. 
Needless to say, I wanted the conversation to be done as quickly as possible and scolded myself under my breath; vowing never to do that again. I wished my new friend well and only barely escaped because my daughter came in to save me. 22 year olds wanting to hang out with their moms is a great thing but waiting in the car for twenty minutes can get even the best of them a bit more than irritated and ready to go.  
Note to self: Stop at Starbucks before going into banks when daughter is in tow.

P.S…..No matter how cute the water container, never ask where they got it

Curvy Kim = 1               Plexus = 0

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