Thursday, June 26, 2014

Proof Is In The Pounds

It isn’t my intent to blog daily because, let’s face it, I know I couldn’t maintain it and the disappointment would be too much to bear. could simply be because I own TWO brick and mortar businesses on Main Street in Collinsville, Oklahoma. In fact, maybe I’ll blog tomorrow (again….not going to be a daily thing but hey, it’s early yet) about who I am and why I think people might want to read what I might want to write.

I couldn’t help thinking about “Curvy Kim” from yesterday when I awoke this morning. I think I may have even giggled when the image of her popping pills that she was so proud of, snuck into my mind. People tell me often that I should write a book because things like that happen to me all the time. But I think writing a blog is better than writing a book. Blogging to me, is for people that have lots of stuff to say and some of it is even pretty awesome, BUT don’t necessarily have the attention span or the devotion to write something as long as a book. I’ve written a book. It was only about 150 pages but it was a book. I actually have book number 2 in the works. (Um…define “in the works” you say?) I started it and think it could even be relevant. Completely different from my first “book” but this time I only finished 2 very short chapters of my envisioned 15.
Note to self: Chat a little about the books in my “Who are you and why are you writing this blog?” tomorrow.
Sorry…. Remember; you’re reading a blog written by someone with A.D.O.S. (Attention Deficit....Oooh Shiny!) Stuff like this is bound to happen.
Oh yes… “Curvy Kim” and her pill popping pride. I thought of her this morning because when I was telling Heather about her (you'll meet her on tomorrow's blog), I couldn’t remember the name of the coffee colored pill that wasn't coffee BUT when reading a magazine last night, the name jumped off the pages.
I was reading Success from Home Magazine that featured Plexus on the cover. The title (you guessed it) PROOF IS IN THE POUNDS. (I’m witty but not that witty). I just liked it so much that I “borrowed” it for myself. It was a great article. Complete with pictures, as any article that talks about weight loss products would be. Actually the title of the article was “The Power of Products That Work” Effective products plus a rewarding compensation plan equal impressive growth at Plexus Worldwide – and an outstanding income for you.” (I would share the link to read online, however, after looking for the last FORTY minutes…. I got nothin’.) The magazine is pictured above. Pick it up at your local checkout and READ IT. J

Anyway… the entire point of me wanting to blog about “Curvy Kim” again today was because the pills she was so excitedly swallowing were called Garcinia Cambogia and Green Coffee Bean. She felt like she was really onto something because she was “doubling up” by taking them both at the same time. A little trick she learned from her new 50year old role weight loss guru on YouTube.
When reading the article (that you’re going to find and read for yourself because there is waaay more in it than this), I recognized the names of her pills as just a couple of the ingredients already a part of Plexus Slim.

          “Focus on Health”

The story started with Plexus Slim, an innovative product that helps people manage their blood sugar levels and promotes healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels; increases willpower over food and reduces binge eating; the bottom line – helps them lose weight. With its proprietary blend of ingredients such as chromium, chlorogenic acid extract from green coffee, Garcinia cambogia fruit extract, and alpha lipoic acid, Plexus Slim set the body on a course to drop excess weight. And using it is simple. Just mix the powder with water and drink it 15 to 30 minutes before a meal. No meal replacements. No shakes. You get to eat real, nutritious foods and watch the pounds melt away.”                   SUCCESS FROM HOME – JULY 2014

“With its proprietary blend of ingredients…..” that included two of the “dream team” that "Curvy Kim" so quickly swallowed. I think she swallowed more than those two pills when it came to her decision to lose weight. She ingested a whole lot of “who knows what” by finding her friend on the internet. She claimed that her stomach was twisted after just three days on Plexus Slim and her doctor told her to get off of it because there was no other explanation. She then got on her soap box and told me that she was immediately better after stopping it. Hmmmm….  If it really was, as she very animatedly shared with me, “not the way to go” and she wished me luck; how in the world could she so easily be gulping down and praising these two pills that she took twice daily and are found IN our product?

Make informed decisions for yourself ladies. Don’t seek out the next big thing from someone you know nothing about. Yes, I creeped the internet long and hard. They don’t call me Nancy Drew for nothin’… but, I asked around. I talked with friends whose opinions I trust. I did more research both on the products and the business opportunity as a whole. MLM (Multi-level marketing) companies get a bad rap. Some make promises they can’t keep. Others say their products can cure just about anything. But we are responsible for our own well-being. My BFF Jesus wants more for me than I think I deserve. (You’ll learn more about him in tomorrow’s blog). I'm certain that He wants more for ALL of us than we think we deserve!

Last summer, I had an opportunity to join a different Health and Wellness company, who shall remain nameless. My hubby, Robbe (you’ll meet him tomorrow too), and I went into it with eyes wide open…together. We finally went to a meeting with a friend that had asked us for months and were genuinely interested....surprising us both. In fact, we were so interested that we went to another meeting the following day presented by someone pretty high up in the company (high up enough that his story was in the literature we held in our hands the day before). When we talked about it, we both convinced each other that it wasn’t for us. We were the “Nay Sayers” I give attention to at the bottom of the blog. We decided that the only people that were doing well in the company were gym owners and personal trainers. Physical therapists and nutritionists. What I didn’t realize… until just this morning in fact, was that we had it all wrong. Perhaps the reason that they did as well as they did in that company had nothing to do with their occupation and everything to do with their relationship with the people they shared with.

I don’t own a gym. I have never been accused of being a personal trainer. No one has ever mistaken me for a nutritionist BUT…I have a lot of people that trust me. I even have a few that think I may inspire them a little bit. I am excited about this opportunity because I am taking back my contagious joy that I feel has been riding in the backseat a little while. I want to do something for myself that could easily benefit others and I think that I have learned enough about this product and this company to make the decision to become an Ambassador. (Yeah… it still has a nice ring to it)

I’m not going to be that girl that posts this fact or that fact on my Facebook page. I will, however, be that girl that is curvy and wants to change it. I will be that girl that thinks I’m worth more than I’m living. I will be that girl that realizes her BFF Jesus has a plan for her and it has NOTHING to do with being chunky, tired and pretending to be okay wearing denim jackets in 100degree weather. (Yes...that actually happens)

Proof is in the pounds? YES!  I’ve proven that too many pounds have been there for too long and no one is going to do anything about it but me.

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