Friday, July 18, 2014

A Little Homework

DAY 5 and DAY 6 - 60Day Challenge

Go into your back office and FIND the compensation plan. Read it until you fully understand it. If there is something you don’t understand, then post your question in the comments on this thread. Know what it is we have to offer!! Explain the compensation plan to someone twice this week (doesn’t matter who) and then continue to do it twice weekly.

Take a “Before” picture. If you already have one then take a picture now and create a Before & Now or After set of pictures! Now for the hard part; when you have your Before and After photos done…POST THEM!! Before and After photos of others work well, especially if you don’t have any of your own, but the credibility that comes with the Before and After pictures being YOU is something that someone else’s photos cannot give you!! Some Before and After photos are also of rashes, scars, nail growth, clearer skin, blood glucose monitor screens, etc…

My apologies for squeezing two challenge days into one post but aside from the fact that I was busy picking up Frita and driving three hours across straight lines each way to get her; these challenges were just that….CHALLENGES.

The compensation plan for Plexus is fantastic…and I only understand a few of the ways we get paid with the company and I think there are 11 different ones each month; depending on the level of Ambassador(ship) you achieve. The first, most obvious “payday” to me is that I purchase my products at wholesale cost instead of retail or preferred customer cost; saving money and therefore keeping in my pocket for something else.

I know that the challenge was to find the compensation plan (done). Read it until I FULLY understand it (Um…not done) post questions on the challenge page in comment (Um…not done), but I will chat more with my upline about it this week… I promise. And, then explain the compensation plan twice weekly to two people (Um…my guess is that more than two people will see this blog entry a week and will know that I am figuring it out and will answer questions as it comes up because in another week… I will master this).

I have learned from my upline (I really need to think of something cooler and less “pyramid” sounding than that to call them…. Um, my friends higher up in the biz) that Plexus is rewarding to body and pocketbook. I have included the “payday plan” below and I know it will be second nature to me one day but that day isn’t today.

My “friends higher up in the biz” accumulate points with each Ambassador that signs up to sell Plexus with them. At the end of each month, those points, along with other ways to accumulate them (which shall remain nameless because I don’t know what the heck they are) are added up and paid for based on stock in the company. I “think” from what I heard from Heather, my closest “friend higher up in the biz” that the company takes 50% of what is made each month and divides that into dollars for each point. For example: If stock is $3/share then each Ambassador is paid $3/point in addition to their earnings that month. Their earnings are based on sales of the product (commission) as well as bonus dollars for particular products.  There are also “One time bonuses” awarded for achieving certain Ambassador levels. As you can see from my “payday plan” picture, I will receive a $100 bonus when I reach the level of Silver Ambassador; which is 3 qualified Ambassadors signing up to be on team “Be Plexy” with me.

Again…I believe there are 11 different ways in which Plexus can be a blessing to ANY household. Speaking of blessings…I think I will have Bridget (another “higher up in the biz” friend) write a guest blog for us that would better explain them all. Bridget is a Ruby Ambassador and knows her stuff.

As far as the Before and After picture challenge of Day 6, we already know how I feel about those BUT, I did not get an opportunity to blog after Week One was finished on Wednesday and will be following up this blog with an entry that specifically addresses that week on its own merit. As for now, one week in…my Before and After looks a little something like this.

I’m just like you. I want to make a difference for my family; both in the way I am living and what I may bring to the table in the form of helping to fill a pocketbook.

I’m new to Plexus but not new to the feeling I get when I know I am doing something right; even if that is just deciding to change a few things that may benefit many. This may not be the blog that changes your life because I don’t pretend to know it all….YET. But, this could be the blog that gets you to thinking “maybe there is something to this and I’m not too far behind Gidget that we could learn it together.”

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