Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Answer the Phone...It's for YOU


The Challenge today: Be on tonight's Opportunity Conference Call with a guest! Our Company growth is due to real people's personal testimonies and will continue to grow with this amazing resource. Educate yourself about the products & what they are doing for people by being on these calls every Wednesday night, the more testimonies you hear, the more you can relate to your customers and ambassador needs. The more you KNOW about our products, the more you will believe in them. So ... let’s do our part and make a point to listen in and have as many others listening in with us as possible.

The calls are only about 15 minutes on average

Remember to pass those cards out and also to write a name on your PINK DRINK for Share a Pink Drink Day and post on your Facebook and tag as many of your teammates as you can and post in the comment section below.

It was quite by accident that I remembered the call tonight; in fact I remembered it just about ten minutes before it’s start and dialed in. There was confusion in the number and then I thought I had missed it due to time zones. I was disconnected because the host never started the call; um…oops, the number was changed and I didn’t realize it. I could have taken it as a sign and not pursued it. The call lasts just fifteen minutes after all; I’ll catch it next week. BUT, I messaged my upline and she knew of the number change, sent it to me, and I was still on in time to not miss a thing. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Part of the challenge was to jump on the call with a guest. Um… oops. Missed that part too. 0 for 2 but I still managed to make it work. It was my first call so I’m not certain if the format is always the same but I liked it. The beginning was the host/hostess giving a brief synopsis of the Plexus products. I liked the idea BUT, you could tell she did it all the time. She spoke quickly as if reading from something and not clearly enough to understand. I am VERY new and don’t know lots about the products but I’m getting there. If I did have someone with me on the call, I would really be relying on the expertise of the host to mention the products slow enough that if there was something I hadn’t yet mentioned to my guest, they could hear it and ask me a question about it at the end.

Next were introductions. There were to be two Ambassadors with Health Testimonials and one Ambassador with a Business Testimonial. I love that even with three speakers, the call was to last just 15 minutes so as not to take too much of our guests time. If they were longer calls, I would love to invite guests to Simply Parties (aka our clubhouse) and we could jump on the calls together, with a quick question and answer period afterwards; maybe incorporate them into Sip and Sees. I’ll have to look into that further. The downside is that they take place every Wednesday and that interferes with church schedules too.

The two Health Testimonials were great; similar enough in the shared “life changing” premise but different enough to give perspective. One lost 110 pounds and off of seven medications in a year, the other losing 23inches and 12 pounds in about 4 months and also off of medications that she used daily. The Business Testimonial was very interesting to me since she achieved the level of Emerald Ambassador in the span of just one year. She has 1300 Ambassadors on her team and she is going to quit her job that she has been unhappily working at for 14 years, in just two more weeks.

I managed to see a benefit with the company and the products just from those around me and not having participated on a call of this kind before. I do, however, love the idea of being able to share this with someone that may be interested in taking the products with me or “standing up and slimming down” as part of Be Plexy and the many other Plexus Ambassadors changing their lives and the lives of those around them; one pink drink at a time.

The second part of our challenge for today was to take a picture of our Pink Drink and tag people that we wanted to share it with on “Share a Pink Drink Day”. I’d like to share mine with you; wherever you are…reading this. If you are local, call me, text me, (918) 497-7043, find me on Facebook, or simply comment on this blog to come to one of our Sip and Sees on any given Tuesday evening. If you aren’t local and want to try it with me virtually; call me, text me, find me on Facebook or send an email: to and I’ll make sure to get it out to you before the next Opportunity Call.

You will see that I like to be a little fancy; in fact I’m adding “fancy” to the “Faith. Fitness. Fun….and Fancy” part of our blog. I don’t like anything in plastic, I love to eat on china every day of the week (even my dog drinks water out of a china bowl), and I love, love cloth napkins for just about any occasion. (We don’t even allow paper napkins at the clubhouse). My drink is from a champagne glass and I really do add cucumber to mine. I’m not a fan of the super sweet flavor of the “pink drink” but I wasn’t going to let something like that stop me from the benefits she provides.
What are you letting keep you from a better version of yourself?

How can Plexus and Be Plexy help?

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