Friday, July 11, 2014

Tiaras Make Everything Better

I began taking a trio of Plexus products four days ago. I haven't shared the events until now because my life is not nearly interesting enough to post daily….and perhaps I needed to stall a bit until I shared my “number” with my hubby; but… let me back up.

As anyone does, when beginning a “Lose weight – Feel great” regimen, I weighed myself on Tuesday when I began taking Plexus Slim (aka “the pink drink”), Accelerator Plus, and ProBio5. (I promise to share a little about what each of these products are designed to do too.) Anyway…I jumped on the scale on Tuesday, not a normal day to begin; you know…start fresh on a Monday or the first of the month, etc…but a Tuesday. My reasoning is simple, really. In my businesses, every Tuesday is Tiara Tuesday, and it means just as the name implies. I wear a tiara every Tuesday. Is there a better WAY to WEIGH? I think not.
Now for the number…but first. Have you ever noticed that people don’t show “Before” pictures until there is an “After” picture? Really, it would just be “Hey, this is how I look now.” There are some people, no matter how curvy, that are confident in taking pictures of themselves with friends and family; I am not one of them. It may be a vanity thing but for me, it’s just a “I don’t really want any memories that have me being this size” kinda thing. But…I digress. In order to be as transparent as possible while being as “real” as possible, I figured that readers would want to know what I’m starting with. Soooo, there does need to be a visual history started with a picture. My solution is this. My number.

That is what I meant about explaining to my husband first. He didn’t have the first clue how much I weighed, and in his defense, it didn’t matter to him. I’m not sure how it happened really. I weighed as much as 285lbs about 8 years ago and lost 85 pounds before meeting my husband 6years ago. I’m 5’9” and even at 200lbs people still guessed me at the 150lb mark; I never corrected them but instead applauded their sense of guesstimation and told them they should work for the circus since they were so close to the real number and prizes would be kept. Anyway, I felt great about being 200 since, let’s face it… it was another world away from the 285 that I had once been ‘comfortable’ in. Some would say that to gain just 21 pounds in 6 years isn’t that bad but to feel like I do…I would disagree. I never put it together before but, I feel now as I did at 285; sluggish and just “eh.” I’m always energetic and constantly on the go, not sleeping much but always working or planning something. I have somehow convinced myself that a Size 16 is just the size I was meant to be. The size that looked and felt awesome, coming from 285lbs no longer holds the same allure. Despite it just being 21 pounds from what I thought was a milestone, I got complacent and stopped the progress instead of using that as momentum to even get below that 200 number.
Happy and in love with someone that liked me for me and didn’t know of my larger frame, I decided that everything I did to get to the weight he met me at was no longer necessary. It clearly wasn’t a lifestyle change for me but a diet that worked and one I was happy to turn away from.  This is different.
My husband didn’t tell me to lose weight. I have no high school reunion around the corner to prepare for (although in two summers it will be 30years). My peers aren’t making fun of my muffin top. And…my doctor isn’t making me change my ways or risk losing my life. There is nothing dramatic that brought me to the decision to do something for myself. I just decided I didn’t need a reason but wanted to do something for me that I had already seen working in my friends.
I have been on this Plexus Trio for four days. There was no “Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde” immediate feeling. My heart hasn’t raced. My stomach isn’t “twisted” as I was forewarned by Curvy Kim. I haven’t felt compelled to do anything I wouldn’t normally do. I feel better but I can’t tell you if that is the products or simply just glad that I am actually taking action for myself in a healthier direction. This journal is just that. Me checking in and sharing what is working for me. Letting you follow along with a real person taking real steps to do something instead of complaining to those that can do nothing about it. I invite you along to do the same or simply to watch from the sidelines (for now) as I do it for US. I can assure you the number on the scale is real. No, there is not a before picture of me in tight fitting yoga gear, holding up a newspaper with a date. Trust me. I am not holding onto a 10lb weight and next week it will be 5lbs and the week after that I will have nothing. I am putting it all out there but if that number could be smaller, I would have loved it. There is no way in Hades that I would do anything to make it bigger. I pinky promise. What you see is what you get.
So, don that tiara and get on a scale of your own. Even if you’re not on Plexus as I am right now; let’s see how much weight you lose in your current lifestyle and how much weight I can lose in the new pink lifestyle I have chosen. I have heard amazing things about these products; some seeing weight loss and some just happy to be off this medication or that.
This is a journey to my Coming Out Party on August 15th. This is just the first of many challenges I am giving to myself and inviting you along. Just as Jesus will never say “I told you so”…. I won’t either. If/when you decide you want to try this with me, I will say just as my mom did to me “Welcome Home.” We all need to make decisions that are best for us, no one is going to do it for us. We have to practice faith and footwork. We can all have faith things will turn out as they are supposed to BUT, we must do the footwork sometimes to make them happen. You cannot change your life by reading how someone else is changing theirs. I know that for me it is more than the number on the scale. It could be inches lost. It could be the way my favorite pair of pants fit. But, despite not seeing those things happening….just yet, I am excited at the way I feel for getting us this far. I made a decision and have even taken a picture of me on a scale. There is no turning back. I am doing this for other chunky, nearing middle aged women out there. Even the chunky hubbies that could be over a certain age. I will be your guinea pig. No matter the pounds lost on the scale next week, I am already winning. It will not be how much weight I have lost but the way that I feel and the pride I have in myself for taking this long awaited step. 221 is just a number I want to see in my rear view mirror one day, but until then I am excited to welcome you to Day Four in a transformation I hope will encourage you to do something for yourself…for no other reason than the fact you are worth more than you are living right now.
As promised, a brief description of the Plexus Trio I am taking now.
Plexus Slim – the most natural way to lose weight and inches by burning fat, not muscle. Plexus Slim also helps keep blood sugar, cholesterol and lipids at healthy levels. In addition, Plexus Slim helps reduce binge eating and increases your will power over food. Taken once a day, simply pour into a bottle of water, shake, drink and experience the results.
Accelerator Plus – designed as the perfect companion product to Plexus Slim. Accelerator Plus helps accelerate weight loss or overcome weight plateaus. Simply take one capsule with one stick pack of Plexus Slim. The combination of ingredients in the two products work synergistically to help you lose weight – quickly!

ProBio5 – Contains five probiotics and powerful enzymes that are essential to a healthy body in breaking down hostile organisms. ProBio5 helps relieve sugar cravings, inexplicable fatigue or bloating, anxiety, and “brain fog.” Relief from typical Candida symptoms (anxiety, recurring irritability, lethargy, allergies, acne, dry/flaky skin, migraines, and so forth).


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