Saturday, July 12, 2014

Coming Out Party

Those who know me know that I like to do things a little bit different than those around me and I like to be a little over the top. I think that everyday should be fancy and fun, and everything you decide to do should be the absolute best version of that scenario. I can remember one cross country race I ran in high school; I won first place by nearly a minute. My daddy used to run more than my three mile race just by running and cheering for me in the most random, obscure parts of the course. When I finished the race, he was already at the end waiting for me with watch in hand, stopped on my finish time. I had won the race and he congratulated me before he said “You missed your best time on this course by almost two minutes.” He raised me to push hard and do my best no matter how far away the competition was. It is a work ethic and way of life that I still live by today.

There are many people selling Plexus and many more that are actively taking it with great results; either weight loss or becoming less dependent on prescriptions for medical issues that once controlled their lives. I believe in all things I have heard and read about Plexus and I am on Day Five of building my own story. I wanted to do things differently and part of that was creating a brand within a brand.

I believe that sexy is an attitude and that a healthy attitude is to Be Plexy. I have begun a Be Plexy collection of tees, totes, and journals that will be for sale in my boutique and I want more interaction with those people that will buy Plexus FROM me and those that want to sell Plexus WITH me. We will be chatting about our Be Plexy Check ins, Facebook group, and photo shoots. I want people to Be Plexy and I want people to know that being Plexy with me is more than just ordering product each month. Social media is a
virtual forum and one that has grown many friendships and businesses alike. I want to take a step back and focus on the social part of social media and this is how it starts.

I will be hosting a Coming Out Party on August 15th at Simply Parties, our party rental location in Collinsville, Oklahoma. This is an open invitation to ANYONE; whether selling Plexus already or someone that has zero interest, but is a personal friend and wants to support me by attending something I am really excited about.  This is more than a “Yeah, Gidget is selling Plexus and now she is going to want us to try it” kinda party. This is my 15year survivor-versary from Breast Cancer and a “Gidget is 46 (as of the 11th) and not wanting to live as she is living” kinda party.

Come one. Come all. Come taste Plexus Slim “the pink drink” and various shake recipes from our Plexus 96 meal replacement line.

In true Gidget “over the top” fashion, it will be a tasting party like any other you may have attended with Plexus and one awesome event.

Dress up. Wear your cocktail dresses. I will even be wearing my tiara. ;) 


  1. I love it! I can't wait for the party. Be Plexy is an awesome brand name, super smart and sassy!!!
    Who wouldn't want to be a part of it???

  2. Why thank you ma'am. I can't wait for it either. I'm super hopeful I will have awesome news to share about weight loss and/or other benefits from the Plexus products by then too. ;)
