Friday, July 4, 2014

Get Out of That Boat

Sometimes there are just so many things that your mom or close friends can tell you. I go to a certain few people and mommy for just about everything but then there are times I genuinely pray for the right path to take. Let’s face it, no matter how many times our moms tell us something, we still wonder and sometimes do what we want anyway.

I’ve just been a Christian about five years but I have learned much by incessantly praying while fasting. I have fasted a few days and I have done my best to fast for one month in the past. I chose to fast through the Daniel fast with fruits, veggies, water, and broth. I wanted to begin my fast on Saturday and go through today; 4th of July; but as luck would have it…my favorite type of restaurant (Japanese Steakhouse) opened up in town on Saturday and that persuaded me to put off just one more day. (Um… totally not worth it but that could be a blog in itself “Last Supper.”)
I was praying for Spirit Driven Success; not the type of success as seen by others but the kind of success my BFF Jesus wants for me, my family, and my businesses. It seemed an easy task since there has been much on my mind lately; questions needing answers, uncertainty needing affirmation, and just general recharging that had to take place. I have talked with friends about doing Plexus; in fact it has been just over a year now that I have talked about two other Health and Wellness companies as well. Plexus just happened to be the last one that settled in and needing immediate attention. I wanted success with a healthy twist. Something that could not only be successful as a health factor (desperately needed) but something that could also be successful in a financial capacity. I have two businesses as you learned from my last blog, so it would need to be something that could be a benefit without taking anything away from the brick and mortar businesses I already love. People that have “real jobs” manage to get healthy and work that into their routine all the time. I wanted something that could do that for me but, if there was also a way I could make it helpful to others and beneficial for my family….bring it on.
So the fast was to pray for discernment. There is more than one company out there that does that for people; people with real jobs and daily commitments already. I needed to pray for guidance that Plexus was it for me; that it was the right product at the right time.

To some…it was a fast fail. My goal was to fast through today. I stopped Wednesday night. The conversation with Jesus went a little something like this:
Me: Jesus, I’m hungry.

Jesus: So eat something.

Me: But I’m committed to fasting and praying incessantly until Friday night.

Jesus: Have you learned anything?

Me: Yes. (I imagined his eyes rolling)

Jesus: What have you learned by devoting these last four days to me?

Me: I started fasting because I genuinely wanted spirit driven success for my family, businesses, and health. I needed to take control of my life back since it was getting further and further away from me.

Jesus: How did that work out for you?

Me: You tricked me. In the beginning I was wanting to take control of my life back and realized I already had it and that was my problem. I was controlling everything and not giving everything to you.

Jesus: And?

Me: And, I know that I am worth more than I am living but when trying to do it all myself, I will never have all that you want for me.

Jesus: Still hungry?

Me: Yes. Now more than ever. Not just for a sloppy joe, which sounds awesome, but hungry to please you and get back on the path you want me on.

Jesus: Let’s eat

Yes…. This really happened. J

Soooo…. The fast ended Wednesday night. BUT, it ended with great sloppy joes and a decision that I needed to have faith in myself. If I don’t take a risk on myself, who will do it for me? I clicked into Plexus and signed up. There is no guarantee that it will be the product for me or that it will be as successful to my pocketbook as it has been for others BUT…I won’t know until I try it for myself. I have a habit of doing for others before doing for myself, thinking it selfish or some other such justification for putting all others before me but forgetting it’s okay to do a little something for me sometimes. I put the “P” word out there a little bit this week; learned that some love it, others…not so much. I need to form my own opinion and I need to give it my full effort.
Those that know me, know that I love to do things over the top… I live for it actually. It isn’t to show anyone up or to pretend I’m better than someone else, it’s just what I like to do. When I decide to do something, I want to give it a real chance to be successful…which is why it was so important to me to make this a real decision and not something to do because those around me were doing it. I am not allowed to sell Plexus out of my boutique; which I would love, but I am allowed to put products on a shelf, inform people of their benefits, and direct them to my website to place orders for themselves. (No worries…it arrives in about three days)

In addition to taking the products for myself, blogging about my journey so people can be on it with me virtually… and placing it on my boutique shelves, I have also created a brand within a brand. Be Plexy. My thought is this; if sexy is an attitude, wouldn’t having a healthy attitude be PLEXY? J  I thought so. Not only would this be the wish for myself, and friends and family…this could be one I could share with people already using Plexus for themselves; sharing with THEIR friends and family. We will have Be Plexy merchandise in my boutique; tees, totes, and journals and I’m excite to share them all. Whether people sell Plexus or purchase from another; we can ALL Be Plexy. Represent that feeling and remind ourselves daily. Besides, it starts a great conversation. Trust me. (Just wait until you hear what I do in October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month). <3

It is also my hope, in being transparent via this blog…that others will want to Be Plexy with me.  I want to take this from a “order from me, call me when you run out” kinda business to something much more personal and interactive. I will be using my “clubhouse” (aka party rental space) when not rented out for parties, as a meeting place for all those wanting to Be Plexy with me. Tuesdays will be all about the tasting. Come try it out for yourself. No gimmicks. No sales pitches. Just tasting and answering questions you may have. 7pm… be there or be (not there). J  Bring a friend. Do something healthy with someone you already see the best in. I also want to be accountable to others; not just with this blog but weekly through Be Plexy “check ins.” Similar to a Weight Watchers weigh in but it isn’t just all about the weight loss with Plexus; in fact that’s just a couple products out 13ish. (I say “ish” because that’s a good rounded number and I’m new… lol) These will be check ins. Yes, we’ll have a scale but this scale also registers BMI and you don’t even have to get on it. Fellowship with other women on their health journey too. Hear how someone may not have lost any weight that week but has slept through the night four nights in a row and now takes one less medication due to using ProBio5. These will be meetings to simply check in. Share face time, ask questions, bring a friend, or just weigh and run. J  They’re free and yours for the participating. I know I am not the only one that is worth more than I’m living and does more for others than she does for herself. Wouldn’t it be great to be in a room full of others that are finally giving everything to Christ but Him telling us that its okay to take a little for ourselves along the way?

I’m having a Coming Out Party on August 15th, which just happens to be my 15year Survivor-versary from Breast Cancer. That is six weeks of me taking the product and believing in myself just as those around me believe in me. I may not lose one pound. I might not see anything measurable in those six weeks. But, then again… I could see real efforts pay off with real results. Results that won’t be seen if I stay on the same path I’ve been on for entirely too long.

Join me. Either through this blog, taking the products, becoming an Ambassador with me (still love the sound of that), or just watching from the sidelines, letting me be the guinea pig for us all as others were before me.
FYI: I signed up to be an Ambassador with Plexus before really taking any of these products for two reasons; 1. I believe in myself to know that I can make anything work if I work it and 2. I wanted the product at wholesale prices instead of paying retail or even preferred prices. I’m worth every penny….Jesus told me so, but, if I can take the “pink drink” for $65/month at my cost instead of $85/month retail and it was just $35 to sign up… why not do it. When registering, I also purchased $200 in product which wasn’t one of everything but one of enough to really give this lifestyle AND business a chance.

Read John 6…. (My Reader’s Digest version)... I can’t ever walk on water if I don’t get out of the boat and let Him prove to me I can do it. I have faith in Him. I do… sometimes I even get out of the boat and prove it. But, even out of the boat, I sometimes look back and ask Him “You really got me, right?” This time I am out of the boat. There may be times I look back but I am OUT. I am putting myself out there for you to see also. I’m not promising that the occasional chocolate cake won’t cross my path but I am promising to give this pink business my best. I am happy to announce this to friends, family, and strangers alike and don’t mind being the guinea pig if you promise to cheer along and support me as I have chosen to get out of the boat so He can prove to me what Spirit Driven Success really is.


  1. So excited for you!! I can tell you will kick some major bootie because when you have Jesus - all things are possible!! Looking forward to what HE does through you and for you!

  2. Thank you Loren. Go big or go home. I got this. Thank you soooo much for finding the blog and taking time to read it. I promise to do my best to keep people updated on this pink part of my journey. :)
