Sunday, July 13, 2014

Shine Bright Like a Diamond


Like any company, there are levels. Entry level to CEO. In Plexus, the highest level to achieve is Diamond. (Again…love that the Ambassador levels are after fine gems). There are many levels between my “Hey, I just signed up and am only an Ambassador” and the Diamond level but it should be a goal to achieve nonetheless. Our Diamond Ambassador has created a “60 Days to Success” Challenge. We are to comment on the question every day on public thread, put it out there for others to see and to be accountable to another. I have no idea where this challenge will go or what types of questions will be posed to us but, as promised, I am going to be as transparent as possible with my Be Plexy journey and this will be included. I will give a short answer in the thread on a private Facebook page BUT, I will tell all via my blog for you to follow too. Besides, after all… my Plexus journey is more than the weight loss and helping you with the same. It’s about ALL that I hope to attain (and share) with this company.

Soooo, pull up those yoga pants, don your glasses if you need them and settle in. We’re on this 60 Days to Success challenge TOGETHER.

DAY ONE: Tell us your WHY. WHY do you want to succeed at Plexus? Be sincere. What can Plexus do for you that you never dreamed of doing or having? Tell us your WHY. WHY do you want to succeed at Plexus. Be sincere. What can Plexus do for you that you never dreamed of doing or having. Tell us your WHY. WHY do you want to succeed at Plexus. Be sincere. What can Plexus do for you that you never dreamed of doing or having.

My “Why”…like those before me started off with being healthy. But, to be healthy with a twist. I want to be healthy, sure, but wanting to do something, knowing you need to do something, and then actually doing something are completely different things.

I’ve been a bigger size and I’ve been a smaller size; granted it was a looong time ago but not so long ago that I don’t remember it. It seems I’ve been a size 16 forever. In fact, that is probably why I haven’t been in a hurry to change anything in a while. I’m going to be 46 in a few weeks, my husband loves me just as I am, and I haven’t had any health issues that have cropped up that made it necessary to lose the weight. So, back to being healthy with a twist. I want to be healthy and have decided to actually do something about it; but only because my motivating factor is to help others too. Who wouldn’t want to lose weight for the sake of their own health and waist line while helping others to lose weight AND make a business out of it as well? Get paid to help people AND drop a pant size (or two or three). Um, yes… sign me up. Add to that the fact that I get to put it in my boutique to be a conversation starter for those that see the display and take that first step and ask a question or two, and it was definitely a “win-win”. The twist to my “Why” is that I get to be paid to help someone else; which is really something I do for free every day, with no expectation of anything in return.

9 years ago I went on a “Go See” to try out for the “Biggest Loser” local edition. It was through a popular radio station and it was going to run two months. There were nearly 1,000 people at the event to select just 8 of us; four teams of two to be paired up with four different DJ personalities. We filled out the paperwork and then went into a room six at a time. It was a conference table; six chairs on one side and four DJs sitting on the other. I was surprised that the interview was an “open” interview and not “one on one” but totally understood the reasoning. I was in seat number five. The first question was asked of all of us: “Why should we pick you? What are three goals you have if we select you out of all of the others?” My heart leapt since it was then I realized that everyone was going to hear our answers; needing to be more impressive than the one before us and completely honest.
The answers before me didn’t vary much “I want to learn to be healthier.” “I want to be learn to eat better.” “I think I can lose the weight and help my team.” It was almost as if the person before them gave them the idea for what their goals were to be. The guy just before me had an original answer but I really had no idea why he would say it. “Um… I want to lose weight because I know I can. I’ve done it before.” Of course one of the DJs then asked a follow up question “What do you mean you’ve done it before?” He said that he had lap band surgery and lost over 100pounds before but gained it back because he didn’t really want to work out or eat better but now, he knew he could. I thought to myself: Why would anyone go through the expense and pain of surgery to lose weight and not do their absolute best to keep it off? Not to mention, it wasn't a reigning endorsement for the purpose of the contest we were interviewing for.

The questioning came to me. “Gidget, what three goals do you have if we select you?” I wanted to be healthier and eat better. I wanted to lose weight and help my team win but I had much simpler, original goals and decided that is what I would say. “Like those before me, I want to be healthy and eat better. I have a competitive spirit and would love to win as part of a team. But, my goals would be much simpler really; being a mom of three girls and a fairly recent breast cancer survivor. I want to tuck in my shirt. I can’t remember the last time I did that. I want to zip up a pair of jeans without dancing around on one leg or lying on my bed. And, I want to wear a belt. A belt that could be a fashion accessory and visible to those walking by; not covered by a larger shirt to disguise my muffin top that I created in holding up a pair of jeans.” Everyone laughed. I had added brevity to a strained situation through my candor but all of my goals were legitimate.

Long story short…I was selected as one of the eight. I was on the radio for five minutes each week of the challenge because I was personable and honest. I lost just 16pounds in that two months but 51inches. Our team didn’t win. I did tuck in my shirt, into a pair of jeans that were zipped up easier than those before them in quite some time. I think I was a size 14. Not thin by lots of standards but thinner and healthier in my own. In losing a bit of weight and inches; I gained confidence.  The numbers didn’t matter. I had taken a step in the right direction and that was a prize worth just as much to me as the trip the winning team received. (Okay, that part isn’t true but it sounds good).

I’m sure that everyone’s “Why” started off with getting healthy or getting the Plexus products at a wholesale price…and mine was no different. Just like my “Biggest Loser” days when our goals were the same. Everyone will create their own Plexus story; either by losing weight, getting off of medications, helping friends and family, or providing an income that wasn’t there before. We can all use the same means to entirely different goals.

Considering that I dream A LOT and I don’t think anything is impossible; I expect that from just about anything I attach myself to. The sky is the limit. Yes yes, I know that you can achieve a level of Emerald with Plexus (it may mean more to us later, but we’re new…remember?) and earn a Lexus. I don’t go anywhere. My businesses are three doors away from each other and I live in the flat above. WHEN I get to the point that I join a gym again… there is one just two doors away from our “clubhouse” so I won’t need to drive to the gym either. So, the goal of earning a Lexus is not one that I am looking to achieve. I am blessed to have a husband that provides for us and my businesses don’t have to sell or plan anything to stay open BUT, I would love for my Plexus business to pay for the renovations on a vintage camper turned glamper that we have JUST won the bidding on and I think she needs her own blog even though it has nothing to do with my Plexus journey. Well, she could be the “Fun” from our “Faith, Fitness, and Fun.” Right? Frita may not look like much now but I promise she is just like you and I...and worth the footwork.

I never dreamed of having one business on Main Street America, let alone two. I didn’t think I was bothered by losing weight or interested in helping others but this opportunity presented itself and I took it. I hope through this blog and my journey, you find a few things that you didn’t know you wanted either but now realize you can’t live without. I will help you get them. I pinky promise. Borrow my dreams and goals until you have some of your own. Leave a comment below and let me know what you are dreaming of that we can get together. I just signed up a week ago. If you want to “get out of the boat” and walk in faith with me… do it. No one is going to achieve our goals for us and no matter how different they are; we can get them on the same pink road.

UPDATE: I DID think of something I want that I didn’t dream of achieving without Plexus. I want to wear bold colors, horizontal stripes and no sleeves.

My favorite designer is Kate Spade. I love her whimsy, colors, patterns, and overall style. I do not however want to spend any significant amount of money on her clothing in the size I am now. Above you will see two pictures. The left depicts how I dress now; not a lot of color and always covering everything up. The right depicts what I am like on the inside; not the size but the fun personality that exudes from the dress alone…even if on a hanger in a size 12.

Yes, there are those of you saying that I can wear colorful, horizontal stripes and going sleeveless is always an option, no matter the size BUT… what IS needed for that look is confidence. Something of which I do not have and not even my two unexpected Main Street businesses, can give me ... but something that PLEXUS can.

What is your dream? Are you doing something to achieve it? Or do you just have faith that it will appear with no footwork involved?  J

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