Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Hips Don't Lie

So, this would be entries 7 and 8…or at the very least 7 for the 60 Day Challenge BUT, I’ve decided that I will continue that challenge via Facebook only and no longer be blogging about it. The real reason mainly; in writing out my challenges for those days is this…it got to be a lot more about how I am going to build my business of Plexus (actually, I think the entire challenge is about that) and not sharing my stories of “Plexus, the journey.” I am new to this company; going on a whopping two weeks, and where that IS part of my journey with Plexus, I felt it was getting too “preachy and pushy” in the “you should sell Plexus with me kinda way and I want this to be about OUR journey through this together. I want to tell you what’s working, what I’m struggling with; the differences I feel…and don’t feel. We can always chat business if you see something in me or my journey that you want to share in regards to the pocketbook and not just the waistline but I wanted to redirect the blog to be more about this “relationship” we’re building and not the “business” I’m building.

I got caught up in participating and completing the challenges of the team that I haven’t gotten to be me for a little bit. Well, it was a great conversation starter and I was glad to share part of the business of Plexus with you, but I’ve missed being able to share what I want.

This weekend, someone that really doesn’t matter but felt their place to “word vomit” on me, said something that I wanted to address to my peers.

Long ago, I put a lot of stock in what others thought of me; some would say that I did nothing that didn’t make me look good or that I didn’t think others would approve of. Those days were part of what we so lovingly refer to as the PJ Era. (Pre-Jesus Era). Don’t get me wrong, I do still care what people think but not to the point that every decision I make hinges on it. I want to do what is right and I hope that those around me see Christ in me and not me doing things to I make myself look better; especially at the expense of others. But, back to the comment at hand. She told me (and I wished I had known I was going to blog about it…I would have saved it word for word, but will just have to summarize to the best of my recollection) “You aren’t the local celebrity you think you are. No one cares about every little thing you do. (Something, something… ) nothing but a narcissist” (Um...okay)

The definition of Narcissist: A person who is overly self-involved, and often vain and selfish.

People that know me, know that I’m not an overly self-involved, vain or selfish person. In fact I like to think I am quite the opposite. There was a time that an opinion like this of me would have mattered; those days are looong gone. I share this story with you, not to fluff myself up and get an opportunity to talk about how selfless I am… lol, but simply to say this blog is a transparency of me. It is something that I feel passionately enough about to share. It is not some show of self-importance or to pretend I’m a “local celebrity” or that I am anyone better than who I hope reads it. It is my form of accountability; to those I know, and those I don’t. Period.

Now…back to our regularly scheduled program blog. Well, not so regular as the case may be since it has been a few days.

I got so caught up with the challenge of my Facebook group team challenge, that I didn’t post an entry about my Week One progress. Sorry about that.

Totally not me but....
the way I feel right now!
Yes, I really weigh in on Tuesdays so I can wear my tiara and make the number seem insignificant, no matter which way it goes. I wear tiaras every Tuesday; perhaps this is the real reason “my friend” accused me of trying to be a local celebrity…but I honestly know NO local celebrities that do this so I’m certain that couldn’t be it…but I digress, as I so often do. Week One was full of questions and tryouts. Questions from my “friends higher up in the biz” asking me if I was seeing or feeling a difference. I answered in a nonchalant way of “kinda” and “not really” so as not to feel as if I was “drinking the Koolaid.” (You know…following suit and jumping on the bandwagon because they were into it) The truth is, after about five days… I was feeling a difference. Again, not in the Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, immediate transformation kinda way but in a “I feel rested and energetic and like I am taking charge of my health” kinda way. As those that know me will tell you; I need no more energy. I go and go and am constantly moving from one project or business need to the next. I literally bounce from boutique to tea party set up to sewing project to design project…all day, every day. I love doing what I love despite it seeming like lots of work to those outside of my situation. I don’t sleep much but lately, the sleep I get has seemed more restful. I generally sleep about 5 to 6 hours a night but have felt like it was 8 or 9 upon waking up.

I have been taking the ProBio5, BioCleanse, and Plexus Slim. Not sure what is doing what but my cravings are down considerably. The sweets that I used to fiend for, the minute my hubby walked in from work are gone. I no longer want/need the midday candy bar or find myself sneaking upstairs from my boutique to get a spoonful or two of frosting. (Don’t judge) The number on the scale didn’t move much; although I have to admit…I stepped on the scale one day (or two) in the interim and it moved from 221.6 to 219ish. BUT, when it came to Tiara Tuesday – the weigh in edition; the Week One number was 220.0. Down just 1.6 pounds but what I gained seemed more important; energy and confidence was a better deal. My friends asked if I measured since sometimes you see inches before pounds. Um, nope. Forgot that. So, I measured after weighing in and let’s just say “Hips Don’t Lie”. The numbers were staggering and I can only hope in sharing their specifics now, that I will be able to show their less staggering specifics later.

Not your typical "Before and After" pic, but it's a start. 

Chest - 45”, Arms - 15”, Hips - 49.5”, Waist - 44”, Stomach - 49”, Thighs - 28”

There ya have it. Those numbers all add up to size 16 and 220.0 pounds. Numbers aren’t as important as I once made them out to be but I would love for them to be lower. If this is what a “local celebrity” looks like, I don’t want to be one anymore. <wink>

I know, I know… today is the end of Week Two and I am due to weigh and measure again. I promise to get caught up and fill you in ASAP.

BUT, there is a matter of “Road Trip to Frita” to blog about first. That entry will be next.


  1. Beautiful Miss Gidget (and the REAL kind of beautiful...inside AND out!), I cannot imagine anyone in her right mind calling you a narcissist! You are one of the most selfLESS people I know, and anyone who doesn't see that isn't looking very hard. She must have a very sad life if her own outlook allows her to "see" bad in you.

    I know you already have it settled in your head and your heart (and what a tough thing that is to do sometimes, so kudos to you!), but I just wanted to leave you with some country music lyrics that fit the situation perfectly. ;-) In the words of Taylor Swift, "Don't you worry your pretty little mind; people throw rocks at things that shine."

    So glad you're around to glitter our world. :-)


    P.s. On behalf of the non-Negative Nancys of the world, thank you for your transparency and congrats on the scales moving in the right direction! Any day that mine go down and not up, I consider an accomplishment. :-)

  2. Thank you Kelli. I appreciate you more than you know. :) YOU are the people's opinions I care about. NOT just because you speak nice things but because you know me and will always tell it like it is; even if it is something I don't want to hear. <3

    Real talk.

    Just as our display lobby in the boutique reminds me every day... "She who leaves a trail of glitter is never forgotten" I will try to always bring glitter into the world around me. :)
