Tuesday, July 15, 2014

What's in a Leader?


Part B - for our brand new people that haven't received your business cards yet : your task is to find at least 4 ranking leaders in your upline, friend them, introduce yourselves and begin to read over their Facebook. See what they are posting, watch what they are saying, mimic them, follow them and duplicate their success. Beginning today, your challenge for the entire 60 days to success is to post at least once a day about Plexus. It can be something you copy from one of your leaders or something personal you love about the products or how they make you feel.

Heather McGehee Sieng
Heidi McGehee
Bridget Lawhead
Celeste Nevil Gwynn

Part A: was to put our Plexus business cards out and about and share via picture the craziest place one was left. Since I am just a novice to Plexus and don’t yet have cards, my challenge was Part B. The challenge was both super easy and incredibly hard. I didn’t know where to begin since my direct uplines are friends of mine; the two directly above me (which I hate to say and imply the dreaded Pyramid dynamic… I promise to blog how much IT ISN’T like that in the future) are sisters and are my personal friends. I have known Heidi for over two years and Heather, whose team I joined, for just about 4 months. They are leaders to me and I have been watching their Facebook posts for a while now; enough to begin asking real questions about this real business, but I digress…. as I often do.

I have met Bridget in person just twice but she is the direct upline from Heidi and they have been friends forever; Bridget graduating with Heidi’s sister, Heather. Have you figured out where I’m going yet?

Trust. Relationship. Loyalty.

There is a pattern of success and the desire to share it with those closest to you. What I have seen in Facebook posts for more than just the “like, introduce, follow, mimic, and duplicate” direction of this challenge is layering. For over a year, I have seen what Heidi and Bridget have done; both in seeing them around town and noticing the attention they draw to Plexus via social media. I have seen a perfect mix of information and family photos. I have noticed the attention to detail and the genuine ability to want to show people how to get what they have achieved. I have noticed firsthand the consistency it takes from a leader to nurture relationships with a balance of educating and promoting of healthier lifestyles both in body and pocketbook.

In the four months that I have been following Heather I have learned what she does to get what she wants. There has been a fast and easy relationship with heartfelt empowerment. The need to put God first while clinging and appreciating the friendship he has put before us. I love the humility that comes from her posts via health facts about Plexus and the transparency in her health struggles and family needs; the openness she is willing to share to allow people to see they are not the only ones that may have issues that need attention. Her family is first and foremost to her and seeing them be a product of the product is encouraging. The best part of “liking and following” her social media is to see how her husband has grown in his own business. He was a supporter in such that he allowed her the “business of Plexus” but didn’t pursue or live the business himself. He was taking some products as any good hubby would, but it was something that his wife did….until he went to convention in June; which I also followed along via newsfeeds and status updates. It has been awesome to see the invigoration that he, himself is exuding now and hope that my husband may one day emulate; thinking it his very own idea of course.

I did learn, while playing Nancy Drew; that the person just over Bridget isn’t really active but is still able to collect a payday from all that is done below her. We’re a branch from something she was interested in and started long ago and one that should be lucrative for all accounts and purposes to anyone pursuing it. Bridget taught herself via the many resources available to her online and those around her; being driven to succeed by the product and not necessarily those that came before her. I imagine it wasn’t easy but she has made it look that way…at least from where I sit; coffee nearby and pink laptop in my lap.

I was to find a fourth leader to “like, introduce, follow, mimic, and duplicate.” Now one may think that to mimic and duplicate would be the same things. I know I did. But, for the sake of this business and a point I think I may have already made; they are different. To mimic would be to copy and paste things they have posted that you, too, want to share. To do as they do in forms of walking the walk…an action word. Duplicate in this instance, at least to me… is to duplicate where they are now in their level of business. To achieve the status of Ruby, Emerald or Diamond. BUT, to get there using the tools before us that we will “mimic” but forging our own path to the same result. Duplicate their current “level” while getting there on our own merits.

For example… I accepted Christ about five years ago. I had grown up in the church as you learned of me in a previous blog but when given the opportunity, I didn’t choose a relationship with Him. By the time mom and I had reconnected, I knew I wanted that relationship but had no idea where to begin. If I couldn’t forgive myself for my past, how on earth could He, or anyone else for that matter, forgive me. I had to follow my mom; mimic her in her walk with him until I could walk on my own. I would talk with her on the phone and ask what she was doing. She would reply “I’m reading John.” I would hang up the phone; and I too, would read John. I love to read and educate myself; it’s an addiction, really but hey…I can think of worse ones. I would mimic what she was doing; reading only authors or approved publishers that she trusted…I even kept a list with me in the event I strolled into a bookstore and felt like purchasing one. I now feel I have duplicated my mom in being a Christian woman; wife, mother, mentor, and friend. She has trusted me enough to know what types of books to read or other women to follow. I no longer carry the index card with “approved” publishers or authors but feel confident in the choices I make. It is because of this I feel I can do the same in looking to women in Plexus and see what they are doing; in hopes that the team I build will one day look to me and emulate what I have been doing.

The fourth “leader” I chose was the only other one I had heard of from Heather. When I decided to join Plexus, we came up with the name “Be Plexy.” I created a Facebook page and this blog. Heather has been my biggest cheerleader and has done what she can to promote these pages both as inspiration to others, either selling Plexus or not…and for the merchandising of Be Plexy, the brand within a brand. She passed my page along to a Diamond Leader in Anna, Texas; Celeste Nevil Gwynn and she “liked” me. I have “liked and followed” her back. I’m certain that at that level one is inundated quite regularly with friend requests or private messages sent. There was an introduction and a “love from afar…non-creepy, I’m watching you and want to be like you when I grow up” message sent. The one thing that stuck out to me was the photographs of her family. It looked like they were on holiday and it wasn’t just taking the kids somewhere to view the Grand Canyon or Niagra Falls. They were interactive and physical; ziplining and hiking and swimming. They were all smiles as they were active participants in a true memory making experience. My girls are all older now but I can’t think of one holiday we took that could emulate that. No matter the success she has found in Plexus, I am certain in seeing these very personal photos of one holiday, that the real success she has found from this pink company…is in the smiles at home.

I want that. If success in this company can be success at home because I am healthier to do more things with my family; now including grandchildren…I want that.

If moments like those are icing on the cake then I am in for a great big piece of it.

Eat dessert first my friends. Let’s do it together.

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